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BiotechVille 06:03 PM, 25 Jun 2024
ICMR-National Institute of Translational Virology and Aids Research Institute, Pune, (formerly known as NARI) is a research Institute under the aegis of Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. The institute intends to engage the following Non-Institutional project human resource positions, purely on temporary contract basis for our short-term research projects titled “HIV testing quality control under National Family Health Survey-6”
Place of Work – ICMR-National Institute of Translational Virology and Aids Research Institute, Bhosari, Pune.
Selection Procedure: Depending upon the number of candidates, written/skill test will be conducted. Question paper will be on relevant subject matters of the concerned position considering its essential qualification and job requirements, in addition to, general knowledge, reasoning skills, quantitative analysis, language and general aptitude etc. Candidates successfully qualifying the written/skill test would be considered for interview and/or further process of recruitment, subject to fulfillment of required eligibility criteria in all respects of qualification, age and experience, etc. Candidates must be present at the venue in time before 10:00 am along with duly filled in and signed application form with their bio data and all original documents along with one set of photocopies in proof of their educational qualification, experience, age and identity etc. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered. No calculators, log tables, electronic devices etc. are allowed for the examination. Director, NITVAR reserves the right to change the venue and other process of recruitment as per
Notification & Application Form
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